Monday, March 23, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009
At Old Tippecano Quilt Guild camp last September, we started a block of the month project to be completed by our camp in 2009. These are just a few of the blocks that will be in "Farmer's Market" by Pat Sloan (www.patsloan.com). I haven't done any applique in quite awhile and have really enjoyed doing it again. The strawberry block is not complete because it goes into a border at the top.
I am staying on tract about not starting any new big projects. I have a lot of things unfinished (UFO'S) that I am anxious to complete. Most of my quilt friends really get a kick out of this because up until the last few years, I would not start anything new until I had completed what I was working on. Over the years they have managed to corrupt me. So stay tuned for completed projects to be posted.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Took this picture at the Four Winds Renaissance Festival just south of town. This of course is, Abby, our 13 yr old GD. She did a good job and I am sure will improve a lot more since she will be doing this every weekend this month. This is a very interesting setting. A lot of strange looking people, all dressed in costume. LOL!!! It was a beautiful day but windy. I believe I am wind burned.
Abby and friends as they waited for their Henna Tattoos. All three got a rose in the center of their lower backs. (my first question was how long do these last - 3 weeks tops) Since this event last about 4 more weeks, I figure we will have to have one more, so we are looking at 6 weeks. I am shaking my head.
Did survive GS and buddies arriving at 3 a.m. on Friday morning. They slept till 9 a.m., fed them breakfast and they were on their way by 10:30. I must say it gives me a lot more confidence in the next generation after having these 4 guys here. Very well mannered, clean cut and considerate young men.
It has been a grandchild weekend, very enjoyable, but awfully glad I don't have to do this every day.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
This was a long time coming but I finally got the top finished. The pattern was a mystery by Bonnie Hunter and was originally suppose to be in double pinks thus the title Double Delight along with all the squares in a square and double nine patches. However, mine has so much green in it I have decided to call it St. Patty's Double Delight. I have a lot of the fabric I used in this left, so I need to come up with another quilt to make. Open to suggestions!
Spring has definitely come to East Texas. It is suppose to be in the 80's this weekend. This is a good thing because there is a Renaissance Festival (www.fourwindsfaire.com) going on every weekend this month in a little town about 15 miles south of here. I mention this because 13 year old GD is performing there. She has been taking Belly Dancing lessons and the troupe will be performing at various times all month long. I had the task today of taking her scarf skirt apart and shortening it about 5". Of course she is using my favorite color, Purple, with lots of bangles over the black scarf skirt. I will try to get a picture of her in costume to post.
Tomorrow night will be a long one. GS, Senior at Michigan State, called last night and informed us he will be arriving sometime between midnight and 8 a.m. Friday morning with 3 buddies. They will be crashing here for a few hours on their way to Austin to see GD at the University of Texas before they head to Panama City, FL to finish up their Spring Break. Told him there would be pallets on the floor, front porch light on and door unlocked and I would see them in the morning for breakfast. This will be an experience for me having never had boys to feed. Hope I survive this.