Carol at "Cornfield Quilter" has been posting her progress on hexagons lately. I have been so intrigued by them. While we were in Indiana last week, I got DSIL to get me started on them. I was so hooked that I worked on them all the way back to TX and still going strong. Have no idea what I am going to do with them when I finally say stop but that will come I guess. They are fun and mindless while you are sitting, watching TV or riding in the car. What fun.The trip to IN was an emotional one. One of my husband's brothers passed away so it was an unexpected/quick trip. On Sunday, we decided to unwind a little bit before we headed back to TX and took a Sunday drive to see the WIND TURBINS. There is a field of them just outside of Lafayette, IN that covers an area as far as you can see and they are still putting them up. What an interesting site.
Also had the opportunity to see almost all my quilt buddies while we were there. A wonderful evening with husbands in tow. They just love the quilt talk.
What a job! I spent this morning bleaching the cushions on our outdoor furniture. Just about did myself in on this little project.
I think this will be the last year for these cushions. Hard to find someone to make these any more so will probably have to go to store bought and they don't last near as long.

Doesn't this just make you want to go sit outside and enjoy the quiet beauty of spring.
This weekend is going to be the trip to the nursery to purchase flowers for all the beds around the house. I think this year I am hiring someone to plant them. Just getting too much for my back and knees to handle.
Hope your springtime is as enjoyable as ours is here in the South right now.